Transmission of HIV & AIDS generally starts from risky behaviors such as free sex. Free sex is closely related to premarital relationships that are often found in groups of teenagers to young adults including street children. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ABAT audio visual media interventions on the knowledge of street children in the prevention of HIV & AIDS transmission in Makassar City. The study design uses a quasy experimental approach with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sampling using non probability sampling by purposive sampling. The research sample consisted of 48 intervention groups and 47 controls. Bivariate data analysis using SPSS statistical applications, using the non parametric two related sample (Wilcoxon) test and Mann Whitney. The results showed that the average knowledge score before and after the intervention, where the mean value ± SD was 11,25 ± 1,952 to 19,17 ± 1,894 with a p value (p = 0,001) in the intervention group, and at the mean value ± SD in the control group was 12,17 ± 2,729 to 18.02 ± 1,882 with a p value (p = 0,001) which meant that there were significant differences in knowledge before and after the ABAT audio-visual media intervention. The results of the mann whitney test showed that there was a difference in knowledge after the intervention of ABAT audio-visual media playback three times and once with p value (p = 0,003). It can be concluded that ABAT's audio-visual media interventions are three times more effective than just once. Provision of health information can then be emphasized on aspects that are not yet properly understood such as lifestyle choices and the use of condoms for the prevention of STIs and HIV & AIDS.
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