Waters of the southearn of Makassar Strait is a region which relatively rich of organic matter because the
phenomenon of upwelling along the eastern season. The purpose of this research was to analyze the distribution
patterns and the development of upwelling areas in the southern of Makassar Strait. This study used chlorophylla
data and sea surface temperature from level 1 of Modis image for two years (2009 and 2010). The result
showed that phenomenon of upwelling that occurs in the southern Makassar Strait appears since early June, the
strongest upwelling in August and disapear in October. The upwelling was indicated by declining of sea surface
temperature and increasing of chlorophyll-a concentration. Analysis of wind direction and speed indicate that
the upwelling occurs in the southern Makassar strait spread to southwest with and estimated upwelling area
around 46.000 km2.
Keywords: upwelling, Makassar Strait, chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature.
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