Tributyltin (TBT) is an organotin compound used as antifouling material for ship or boat paints to prevent
attachment of marine biota on the wall of ships or boats. The most dangerous effect of TBT bioaccumulation on
marine organisms, particularly gastropods, is the failure on the reproduction system, such as the occurrence of
imposex symptoms. The main purposes of this study are to know the histopathology of gonads by species Thais
tuberosa and Monodonta labio that has been exposed to imposeks the compound tributyltin (TBT). The sampling
of Thais tuberosa and Monodonta labio was conducted at 2 sites: Manado Port and Tateli Coastal Waters. The
histopathology test was conducted in the Central Diagnostic Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology, Manado, with
Haematoxylin-Eosin (HE) technique. The result showed that histopatology gonads marine gastropods type Thais
tuberosa and Monodonta labio there has been a change in the tissues showing the imposex character, if
compared with tissues of normal individuals of male and female, but in these changes tissues not cause damage
caused by a compound tributyltin (TBT).
Keywords : Histopatology of gonad, Gastropods, Imposex, Tributyltin
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