Submission Notice


Dear author(s).

Thank you for choosing the journal JPK Wallacea to publish your manuscript. In preparation for becoming an international journal, JPK Wallacea is no longer accepting manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia.

Starting in 2023, the JPK Wallacea management has been taken over by the Forest Conservation Study Program, Forestry Faculty, Hasanuddin University. Furthermore, the journal’s scope is pivoted from “general forestry” to “conservation of biological resources”. Nevertheless, the Forestry Faculty manages two journals that accept manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia, i.e. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat and Jurnal Perennial. The Faculty also manages another journal that is in the international domain, i.e. the Forest and Society Journal. 

If we find your manuscript scope is not in accordance with the conservation area, your manuscript will be rejected and you will be recommended to re-submit your manuscript to one of the aforementioned journals. We encourage resubmission with careful attention to the manuscript topic compatibility with the recommended journals’ scopes. 

Because we needed to migrate Open Journal Systems (OJS) from the previous host to a new host managed by Hasanuddin University and to change the publishing policy, we shifted the publishing period from March for the first issue and September for the second issue to May for the first issue and November for the second issue. Thank you.