Study of drugs potential of fern collections at Purwodadi Botanic Gardens

Ferns (Pteridophyta) is the oldest group of plants on earth that has more than 11.000
species. Ethnobotany and pharmacological studies have revealed that ferns contain
potentially secondary metabolites as medicine. Purwodadi Botanic Gardens
(Purwodadi BG) has fern collections that have not revealed information about drug
potential. This research was conducted to inventory Purwodadi BG’s fern collections
which have potential as medicine and to determine their conservation status.
Inventory of fern collections is carried out by collecting data from the Registration
Unit and observing directly in the field, while information about drug potential is
obtained by literature review. A total of 31 species of 171 specimens of Purwodadi
BG’s fern collections are known to be efficacious for treating various diseases, both
traditional medicine, and research results. As many as 6 species of fern collections
that have medicinal potential are included in IUCN Red List and categorized as least
concern/LC and critically endangered/CR. The potential for medicinal plants of fern
collections include anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and
anti-cancer properties. This potential information is expected to increase the value of
the fern’s function and their conservation efforts.
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