Beta-carotent and Antioxidant Activity of Starfruit Extract Powder (Avverhoa blimbi L)

Nuramaniyah Taufiq (1), Rosdiana Mus (2), Deske Palimbong (3)
(1) Universitas Megarezky, Indonesia,
(2) Universitas Megarezky, Indonesia,
(3) Universitas Megarezky, Indonesia


Wuluh starfruit is as a tropical plant that has sour taste but it has high nutritional value. One of wuluh starfruiut antioxidant contents is β-carotene. This research aimed to know β-carotene and test of antioxidant activity on Wuluh starfruit. Method of reseach was observational conducted at Chemistry Laboratory of Ujung Pandang Polytechnic with poject of quantitative test using spectrophotometry UV-Vis. The length of wave (nm) was 480 with 0,066 ABS (Absorban) value to analyze β-carotene level and antioxidant test (IC50) with wave length (nm) of 517. Concentration varian used were 0,1 %, 0,2 %, 04 % dan 0,8 % using spectrophotometry UV-Vis with DPPH solution reagent (1,1-dhipenyl-2-picryhirdazyl). This research indicated that quantitative test using spectrophotometry UV-Vis was obtained 24,99555 ppm β-carotene level and the result of antioxidant test (IC50) to reduce 50 % free radicals in DPPH solution required a dry powder sample contentration of 0,6 %.

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Nuramaniyah Taufiq (Primary Contact)
Rosdiana Mus
Deske Palimbong
Taufiq, N., Mus, R. ., & Palimbong, D. . (2021). Beta-carotent and Antioxidant Activity of Starfruit Extract Powder (Avverhoa blimbi L). Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta), 14(1).

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