Journal Description

Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta) is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of chemistry. The result of research and development in the fields of chemistry in both experimental and theory/ computation, chemical-based technological innovations, and chemical applications in industrial fields. The journal publishes original research articles or review articles in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental chemistry. Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta) is a journal published by Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, where it was published twice in a year in June and December.

The Journal has been accredited by Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional (ARJUNA) officially Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Third Grade (SINTA 3) since year 2019 to 2023 according to the decree Number 28/E/KPT/2019.

p-ISSN: 2085-014X        e-ISSN: 2655-6049


Oct 12, 2019

Based on the results of the evaluation of journal accreditation carried out by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education announced on September 26, 2019, it was stated that the Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesian Chimica Acta Journal) passed accreditation with SINTA 3 rank. The decision was determined based on the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Reg Number 28/E/KPT/2019.

Volume 17, No 1: June 2024

Published: Jun 1, 2024

Profiling of Modified Chitosan-Based Composites as Tetracycline Hydrochloride Drug Release Systems

1-12 Nurul Anjartikasari, Emmy Yuanita, Ni Komang Tri Dharmayani, Sudirman Sudirman, Ni Made Sudewianingsih, Maria Ulfa

Synthesis of Smart Packaging Based on Chitosan-PVA/Binahong Extract as an Antibacterial Plastic

13-22 Neny Rasnyanti M Aras, Mega Fia Lestari, Adinda Irwana

Comparative Study of Synthesis and Characterisation of Complex Compounds of Co(II) and Fe(III) Metal Ions with Ligands N-Etilisopropyldithiocarbamate and Its Application as an Additive in Lubricants

23-30 Ranggina Dian , Muhammad Arham Yunus, Lamuru Afrianti S, Raya Indah

Theoretical Study of Metal Ion Impact on Geometry and Bond Vibrational Properties of Salophen Compound

31-36 Tety Wahyuningsih Manurung, Muhammad Hilmi Afthoni, Kur Yehezkiel Steven , Marvin Horale Pasaribu, Mokhamat Ariefin, Rokiy Alfanaar

Membranes with Chitosan-Chitosan/Phthalate Matrix and Montmorillonite-Carbon Nanotubes Filler for DMFC Applications

37-46 Herianus Manimoy, Loth Botahala, Zakarias Mautuka
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