Characteristics of Proximate Probiotic Bacteria from the Digestive Tract of Kampung Chicken as Chicken Feed Candidates

Nurmumin Nur (1)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:30:"Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi";}, Indonesia


Kampung chicken is a local Indonesian chicken whose life is close to the community. Kampung chicken is also known as buras chicken. Kampung chicken has the potential to improve community nutrition. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of probiotic bacteria from the digestive tract of kampung chickens as chicken feed candidates. This research method includes bacterial preparation, identification, and characterization of bacteria. Manufacture of chicken feed using fine bran and corn in a ratio of 1:1. The results showed that the manufacture of fermented fine bran and corn (1:1) with bacteria could improve the quality of chicken feed ingredients. Increased protein, fat, and crude fiber occurred in the proventriculus. 

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Nurmumin Nur (Primary Contact)
Nur, N. (2023). Characteristics of Proximate Probiotic Bacteria from the Digestive Tract of Kampung Chicken as Chicken Feed Candidates. Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta), 15(1).

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