The Research on “Coral Coverage in Baranglompo Island and Bone Batang Island Based on Reef Check Method” was conducted
in April 2016. The aims of this study was to determine and to compare the condition of reefs in Baranglompo and Bone Batang
Islands based on the percentage of life coral cover by using Reef Check methods. This study also aims to determine which
factors that most affect the percentage of coral cover on each island i.e: abiotic factors (temperature, salinity and substrate in
the form of rock, rubble, sand, silt/clay); biotic factors (soft coral, recent killed coral, algae, sponges, fish and invertebrates
associate) and anthropogenic factors (garbage, ilegal fishing/bombs, stun, anchors, nets) were also investigated. Percentage of
life coral cover obtained by Line Intercept Transect (LIT) along 100 meters at a depth of 3 meters and 10 meters. The results
showed that the condition of coral reefs in Baranglompo was classified as moderate with an average percentage coral coverage
of 42% at a depth of 3 meters and 27% at a depth of 10 meters. While the condition of coral reefs in Pulau Bone Batang was
relatively good with average coral cover of 51% at 3 meters depth and moderate with average coral cover of 39% at 10 meters
depth. Condition of coral reefs in Bone Batang is better than Baranglompo islands. Anthropogenic impacts in the form of waste
is the most influential factor on coral cover on the island Baranglompo. Whereas fishing activities by using dinamite are the
factors that most influence on coral cover on the island of Bone Batang.
Keywords: Coral coverage, Baranglompo island, Bone Batang island, Reef Check
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