Manuscript Format
Checklist in preparing the manuscript:
- General instructions
- Manuscripts formatted on A4 paper (21 x 30cm), using raw Indonesian accordance with the rules of good and true
- All pages include a page number and arranged regularly
- Use Times New Roman font 12, without the use of italics, bold or any other type of writing is not standardized. Do not flatten the right margin. Each new paragraph by indenting
- Use spaces 1 for the entire manuscript, including the title page, abstract, references, tables and picture captions.
- Margin left, right, top and bottom was 2.5 cm (1 inch)
- The ratio of the example in the unit are expected to use the slash (eg mg / L)
- The scientific name should be equipped with a common name in the title and the time to first written in the abstract and in the text. Author of a scientific name is not with the genus or species name unless required further explanation.
- Write down the full number of one to ten, except when followed by a measurement unit (four fish, four fish, 4kg, 14 fish). Avoid start a sentence with a number. Use the '1000' to '1000'; And 0.13% (instead of 'per cent').
- To specify time (hours), use the 24-hour system (13:30 instead of 01:30; 02:30 instead of '2:30'). Calendar data written in the order of the day, month, year (January 14th 2014).
- All references cited in the text, must be recorded in the Bibliography manuscripts, and vice versa.
- Citation literature on the text follow a system of "name and year:
- For an author: Hamzah (2013) or (Hamzah, 2013)
- For two authors: Amran Hamzah (2013) or (and Amran Hamzah, 2013)
- Three or more authors: Hamzah et al. (2013) or (Hamza et al., 2013)
- Using a manuscript that has been accepted for publication: Hamzah (in press) or (Hamzah, in press).
- It is desirable to avoid the use of data or communication with the person to be included in the manuscript. When it is considered very necessary, then it is written: A. Hamzah (Hasanuddin University, unpublished data) or A. Hamzah (Hasanuddin University, personal communication).
- When using multisitasi, images and tables, use a semicolon (Hamzah, 2013; Amran, 2010) (Table 1; Figure 2).
- The manuscript is composed of: title page, abstract page, text (introduction-conclusion / suggestion), the list of literature, list of tables and images, tables and images.
- Title page (page 1)
- Of Title paper placed at almost the center of the page, centered, not bold or italics (except scientific name is written in accordance with the instructions of writing scientific name is default) to use capital letters and lowercase letters (example: Reproductive Biology Fire Lysmata amboinensisshrimp).
- Under the title, put the author's full name, do not be abbreviated (without a title), affiliation and complete address without abbreviations.
- If the manuscript is written by more than one author with a different affiliation and address, then write the first name and address of the first author, followed by the name and address of the author of the second, and so on.
- For the writing with more than one author, please include the words "Contact the author" ( "corresponding author") and enter the full address of the author responsible for correspondence. Type at the bottom of the page.
III. Abstract page (page 2)
- Write "Abstract" and place it in the middle, and at the top of the page of paper.
- Abstract written in a single paragraph, without citation or use abbreviations.
- It is desirable solid and concise writing, using a maximum of 250 words. Include the urgency of research, how you do it, the results of these studies and what the results mean.
- Contents (starting on page 3)
Follow the general rules of section I.
- Start with "Introduction", which explains the purpose and usefulness of the research is done
- All titles are written without bold or italics (except for the scientific name, follow the rules of writing scientific name ).
- Title parts following composition: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, conclusions and Acknowledgments (if any). All written continued, are not made on a new page.
- Subtitle (if required) is placed in the left side by using uppercase and lowercase letters. Cultivated no sub of the subtitle.
- Acknowledgments (acknowledgment), if any, shows appreciation for the contributions given directly to research and improve the quality of manuscripts.
- Bibliography
Begin this section at the beginning of a new page.
- The name of the journal that contains articles written in full, not abbreviated.
- Check back and make sure that the literature is written in a list does exist in the text.
- Check the accuracy of all literature are included, with its authentic sources, especially journal titles, author names, and writing pages.
- When writing the literature contains more than one line, then start writing in the left margin, then pivot to the next line.
- Bibliography written and arranged alphabetically by looking at the end of the name / surname of the first author.
- If there are writers with more than one article, the order of writing arranged by date of publication, starting with the newer.
- Writing with the same author and published the same year, distinguished by adding small letters after the year of publication (2014a, 2014b). Ensure that the existing and written in accordance with the written text in the Bibliography.
- Some examples of writing Bibliography by the source can be seen below:
Articles in journals:
Xu, D. and WA Rogers. 1993. Oxytetracycline residues in hybrid striped bass muscle. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society24:466-472.
Boyd, CE 1982. Water quality management for pond fishculture.Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Stickney, RR, editor. 1986. Culture of nonsalmonid freshwaterfishes.CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Articles or parts of the book:
Ward, PD 1982. The development of bacterial vaccines for fish. Pages 47-58 in RJ Roberts, editor. Microbial diseases offish.Academic Press, New York, New York, USA.
Thesis or Dissertation:
Hymel, TM 1985. Water quality in the commercial dynamics of crawfish ponds and toxicity of selected water quality variables to Procambarusclarkii. Master'sthesis.Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Website (As much as possible do not use)
- Table (page manuscript is still written)
Begin each table using a new page
- use two spaces, including the title, the title of the column and all the writing. Do not change the font size to fulfill one table into a single page. Font keep using Times New Roman 12 as diguankan in the text. If necessary continue writing table on page setelahnya.Orientasi paper can only be changed from portrait to landscape.
- Type the title of the table at the top of the page. Use the left margin and the number of tables, which was written in Arabic numbers (Table 3), followed by the title of the table.
- Use a horizontal line below the title of the table
- One more horizontal lines separating the column headings
- The horizontal line marks the end of the table.
- Do not use vertical lines on the table
- When using footnotes, mark it with a smallletters superscript
Location |
Station |
Number of samples |
Widthshell |
number of embryos |
Description |
North Luwu |
I |
1 |
52.1 |
0 |
II |
2 |
40.5 to 41.0 |
14600-21120 |
From all the female crabs spawn |
6 |
39.4 to 50.7 |
0-I |
Sinjai |
I |
4 |
50.4 to 55.8 |
57660-111360 |
From 4 females |
7 |
from 47 to 57.9 |
I-II |
II |
12 |
40.1 to 62.6 |
15140-219060 |
Taken from 6 laying the smallest and the largest 6 |
9 |
42.5 to 56.9 |
0-II |
5 |
47.9 to 53.7 |
60600-105900 |
Of the 19 females |
3 |
45.2 to 56.6 |
0-I |
IV |
3 |
40.7 to 48.6 |
68370-85920 |
Of the 10 females |
6 |
from 43 to 52.4 |
0 and II |
VII. Pictures (continued page numbers)
Place the title picture on the same page
Typed the first line on the left margin, and indent the next line. Write complete "Picture" and is followed by Arabic numerals.
Figure 1. Relationship karapas-weight Thalamita crenata females were found in the area Tongketongke, Eastern Sinjai.
Do not use the symbol (point, circle, triangle, etc.) in the title picture. Label images or refer to the name in the title.
Do not refer to an enlarged image on the title, but place it directly-scalebaron the image, so that when the image is enlarged or reduced, bar-scale will follow. Include all the references in the title picture size (bar = 25 m).
VIII. Illustrations using the line (Diagram, Flowchart)
- Enter file in electronic form together with the manuscript. As far as possible the files saved in TIFF format with a resolution of 300dpi or more.
- Letter expected to be clear and still legible despite the fact that up to 50% size reduction. Highly recommended to use Helvetica or Univers. Letter font size should be at least 18 to allow still clearly legible when a reduction in size.
Photosentered electronically and saved in TIFF format with a resolution of 300dpi or more. When it is desired to print in color, the additional cost is charged to the author per page (follow the current market price of printing)
MUST include the email addresses of all co-authors if the article is written by a team of authors. Suggested use institutional email address if available.