The research about “The Potencial of Tropical Abalone Haliotis asinina L. As Source of Mushroom Antimicroba Producing
Symbionts” had been done. This research aimed to know the abalone potency as a source of inoculum and to characterize
isolate fungal symbionts H. asinina L. Isolation of fungi symbionts H. asinina L. was performed used a PDA medium (Potato
Dextrose Agar). Characterization of isolates fungal symbiont from H. asinina L. consists of macroscopic and microscopic
observations, and activity testing against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The results showed that there were isolates of fungal
symbionts H. asinina L. (Abl.J.1, Abl.J.2, and Abl.J.3). The results of macroscopic observation colony indicated Abl.J.1 and
Abl.J.3 isolate had a surface likes flour and Abl.J.2 isolate had a flat surface such as cotton; Abl.J.1 isolate green, Abl.J.2 isolate
light green and Abl.J.3 isolate black in colours. Three isolates had concentric circles; isolates Abl.J.1 and Abl.J.3 had radial
lines and isolate Abl.J.2 had not radial line. The result of microscopic observation showed that three isolates had not septa,
and hyaline (colorless); three isolates had asexual spores conidioshpore and all isolates was suspected to belong to the genus
Aspergillus. All isolates were able to inhibit the growth of Salmonella thypi bacteria and Candida albicans fungus and the
resulting compounds were bacteriocidal and fungicidal.
Keyword: Gastropods, H. asinina L., Symbiont fungus, Antimicrobal, Aspergillus.
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