The purpose of this study was to analyze the succesfullnes use of two coral reef transplantation methods in the rehabilitation of
coral reefs damaged by the phenomenon of bleaching in 2016 at the waters of Liukangloe Island, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi.
In this study two methods were implemented, i.e. methods frame-spider and methods of nails-natural substrates, with 5 units
as replication, respectively. A total of three kinds of branching corals weretransplanted, namely Acropora robusta, Porites
cylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucosa. On each unit transplantation models, attached 6 coral fragments with branch length of
5-12 cm for each kind of corals. A total of 3 fragments for each species of corals were labeled and coded for the survival rate
and absolute growth monitoring. All five unit of experiments on each model are placed on two areas separately and placed
randomly with depths ranging from 3-4 m in the northern part of island. Observations survival rate and absolute growth of coral
transplant were conducted for every 2 weeks for 28 days by counting the dead coral fragment or missing and measure the length
of transplant coral branch with a measuring ruler. The effectiveness of the two methods was analyzed based on the survival and
growth of the absolute value of coral transplant. Survival rate were analyzed descriptively and the average values of absolute
growth were analyzed by t-student. The use of frame-spider methods and methods of nails-natural substrates as effective in
rehabilitating the coral reefs from bleaching phenomenon based on the parameters of survival and growth of Acropora robusta,
Porites cylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucosa
Keywords: Transplantation methods, coral reef, bleaching coral, Liukang Loe Island
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