Artemia naupli, Hippocampus barbouri, Juvenile, Phronima sp., Sea horseAbstract
This study aims to determine the substitution rate of Artemia naupli to Phronima sp., which produces high-quality seahorses H. Barbouri juveniles This research was carried out using CRD (Completed Randomized Design) with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were natural feeding with different levels of substitution, (A) 100% Artemia nauplii, (B) 75% Artemia nauplii+25% Phronima sp. (C) 50% Artemia nauplii +50% Phronima, (D) 25% Artemia nauplii+75% Phronima sp. and (E) 100% Phronima sp. Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance and W-Tuckey test to determine the significant difference between the treatments. The parameters of the study included the analysis of feed quality (proximate and amino acid analysis) and survival. Results of the ANOVA indicated that the substitution of Artemia nauplii to Phronima sp. had a significant effect (P <0.05) on survival rate. Based on the result of the proximate analysis of Phronima, the protein and fat content is insufficient for juvenile requirements, which only ranged from 37,12% and 3,82%. The results of the amino acid analysis of Phronima, the total of essential amino acids are deficient in juvenile requirements. The treatments of C and D produces the highest survival value of 96,67%. While in E treatment produce the lowest survival value of 63,33%. Based on the juvenile quality analysis, it can be concluded that the use of Phronima as an alternative feed for seahorse juveniles H. barbouri can be given at a substitution rate of up to 75%.
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