Current Issue
Amanna Gappa is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles on unique and significant legal cases. The journal seeks to contribute to both academic knowledge and practical applications in the legal field. Our focus includes distinctive legal studies such as customary and communal land law, business law, land, and agrarian governance, and the dynamics of decentralization and recentralization, particularly in Indonesia. While emphasizing Indonesian legal cases, we also welcome manuscripts examining issues beyond Indonesia, provided they demonstrate strong relevance to Indonesian legal contexts and disputes.
Articles in Amanna Gappa are published in Indonesian to cater to a specialized audience and to foster accessibility for readers within Indonesia. This aligns with our mission to deliver impactful and comprehensible scholarship to the local legal community while maintaining the highest standards of academic quality.
Review Process and Author Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted to Amanna Gappa undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure their academic integrity. Acceptance of articles is determined by the Editorial Board based on reviewers’ recommendations. Authors are advised to thoroughly review the guidelines and template provided for manuscript preparation. Please read and understand the author's guidelines for the preparation manuscript. Submissions not adhering to these guidelines will not proceed to the review stage.
ISSN Online: 2549-9785 | ISSN Print: 0853-1609
Publisher: Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University