Hasanuddin Journal of Strategic and International Studies (HJSIS) is an open-access and international peer-reviewed journal. Our main objective is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners that enrich understanding and contributes to the past, current, and future discourse and issues of strategic and international studies relevant to the Indo-Pacific region. The article should address multidisciplinary research on theoretical and empirical questions in the topic around strategic studies, international relations, international politics and security, international political economy, transnational society, international diplomacy and negotiation, international and regional organization, governance & democracy, terrorism and transnational organized crimes. HJSIS encourage a robust analysis and rigorous methodologies (quantitative or qualitative or mix-method) written in an engaging and analytical article style so that it promotes new ideas, discourse, controversy, and solid reflection theoretically or practically toward Indo-Pacific’s strategic and international studies issues.

HJSIS is published twice a year, in June and December, by Hasanuddin University. All submitted articles shall never be published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to HJSIS will undergo a thorough single-blind peer-review process. Editorial Board decides the acceptance of articles based on the reviewer's recommendation.