The Effectiveness of Postpartum Maternal and Child Nutrition Health Services at Waiwerang Community Health Center, East Flores Regency


  • Marselina Benga Aran Program Study of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Dr. Soetomo University. Indonesia.
  • Amirul Mustofa Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Dr. Soetomo University. Indonesia.



This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of postnatal maternal and infant nutritional health services at the Waiwerang Community Health Center (CHC), East Flores Regency. The research was conducted using a descriptive approach. Interviews and observation are used as data collection techniques. This study's informants were patients and health staff at Waiwerang CHC, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Based on the research results, the overall effectiveness of postnatal maternal and infant nutritional health services at the Waiwerang CHC, East Flores Regency, is good. The practical implication is that the Waiwerang CHC, East Flores Regency, especially the head and staff of the CHC, can pay attention to the performance of the nutrition section nurses who work at the Waiwerang CHC so that they can further improve the quality of services according to predetermined standards and especially for nutrition officers to be more improve their skills and demonstrate better performance to the Public Health Center and the community.





