Kakao, Kekeringan, Media Tanam, Pirolisis, Retensi airAbstract
Pertumbuhan bibit kakao seringkali mengalami kekeringan diawal pertumbuhannya, sehingga dibutuhkan teknologi pengelolaan air sejak masa pembimbitan. Biochar merupakan media berpori yang dapat dijadikan media tanam pada pertumbuhan tanaman. Kegiatan ini bertujuan menyediakan 1000 bibit kakao yang tahan kekekering dan hama penyakit. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah tersedianya 1000 bibit kakao yang tahan kekeringan untuk didistribusi kepada 5 oarng anggota kelompok tani mamminasa Deceng. Sedangkan luaran IKU menghasilkan luaran, yakni: 6 orang dosen dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare melakukan kegiatan di luar kampus dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan 9 orang mahasiswa agroteknologi berkegiatan diluar kampus yang dapat mengkonversi CPMK 2 matakuliah budidaya tanamana pangan dan perkebunan serta kesuburan tanah dan pemupukan. Dalam kegiatan ini diproduksi biochar sebanyak 2.100 liter yang dibuat media tanaman bersama dengan tanah dengan perbandingan 1:1. Polibag yang digunakan berukuran 20 x 30 cm, dimana 1 polibag berisi 2.1 liter biochar. Biochar yang digunakan akan disertifikasi pada saat bibit sudah ditanam dan dikonversi menjadi karbon kredit untuk diperdagangkan..
Kata kunci: Kakao, kekeringan, media tanam, pirolisis, retensi air.
The growth of cocoa seedlings often experiences drought at the beginning of their growth, so that water management technology is needed from the seedling period. Biochar is a porous medium that can be used as a planting medium for plant growth. This activity aims to provide 1000 cocoa seedlings that are resistant to drought and pests. The output of this activity was the availability of 1,000 drought-resistant cocoa seedlings to be distributed to 5 members of the Deceng mamminasa farmer group. While the output of the IKU produced outputs, namely: 6 lecturers from Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare carrying out activities outside the campus in the form of community service and 9 agrotechnology students doing activities outside the campus who could convert CPMK 2 courses in food crop cultivation and plantations as well as soil fertility and fertilization. In this activity as much as 2100 liters of biochar was produced which was made into plant media together with soil with a ratio of 1:1. The polybags used were 20 x 30 cm in size, where 1 polybag contained 2.1 liters of biochar. The biochar used will be certified when the seeds have been planted and converted into carbon credits to be traded.
Keywords: Cocoa, drought, growing media, pyrolysis, water retention.
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