
  • Sudarmin Harun


This writing aims to transfer Buginese Elong ‗song‘ into English and to reveal the meanings that
contained in buginese traditional song entitles Buang Tassanra Mua ‗Fall down but Safe‘. This
song is very interesting to be analyzed and to reveal deeply either its explicit or implicit
meanings because it has many meanings that must be known not only buginese but also the other
ethnics in Indonesia and abroad, even also all generations outside or at schools and university.
By revealing the meanings explicitly or implicitly of the song, a person could aware that the
ancestor‘s advices are very important to implement in his/her daily life. All generations should
know, keep, and put them in their mind in order to become a guidance to do good things and to
avoid to do bad actions such as breaking the buginese ade ‗customs‘, bicara ‗laws‘, rapang
‗ruls‘ and wari‟ ‗etics‘.
The objective of Elong ‗song‘ is as not only a medium of entertainment solely but it could also
be a medium of conveying some advices and it could be a medium of teaching language and
lingua franca as well as teaching literature. Lectures and teachers have a must to transfer the
buginese songs into English with the goal the foreigners could read and know the buginese local
language and literature, especially buginese pappaseng ‗local wisdom‘ that contained in this
song – buginese language and literature.
Key words: Buginese Elong, language, and literature.



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