Publication etics:
To ensure high-quality research publications, public interest in scientific findings, and that individuals deserve credit for their ideas, ethical requirements for publication exist. It is important to avoid:
Fabrication and falsification of data:
Fabrication of data indicates that the researcher did not actually do the analysis, but faked the results. Falsification of data means that the researcher did the experiment, but then altered some of the information.
Originality and plagiarism:
The writers should ensure that they have published completely original works, and that this has been properly referenced or referenced if the writers have used the work and/or words of others.
It is unethical and deceptive to take the principles and work of other scientists without giving them credit. It is called plagiarism to copy even one sentence from someone else's manuscript, or even one of your own that has already been written, without proper attribution. Use your own words instead. The JIB journal policy for plagiarism is below 20%. Jib Journal using the Turnitin application
Several submissions:
Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is immoral. Doing this wastes the resources of editors and peer reviewers, and if published in more than one journal, it may damage the credibility of the authors and journals as the subsequent publication would have to be retracted.
Publications which are redundant:
Centered on the same experiment, this implies publishing several very similar manuscripts. It is more likely that compiling the findings into one very robust paper would be of interest to a selective journal. Editors are likely to reject a bad paper that is a product of salami slicing, which they suspect.
Improper Contribution to Author
In the manuscript, all the authors mentioned must have made a significant scientific contribution to the study and accepted all their arguments. Don't forget to mention anyone, including students and laboratory technicians, who have made a major scientific contribution. Do not authorship "gift" to those who have not contributed to the document.
In order to recognize researchers who participate in unethical actions, several journals have instruments and processes in place. Your manuscript should be rejected without examination and told by your organization if you are caught.
Decisions on publication
It is the responsibility of the Jurnal Ilmu Budaya (JIB) editor to determine which of the papers submitted to the journal should be written. Such decisions must always be informed by the validation of the work in question and its relevance to researchers and readers. The editors may be directed by the policies of the editorial board of the journal and limited by the legal provisions that are then in place regarding libel, violation of copyright and plagiarism. In making this decision, the editors can talk with other editors or reviewers.
Jurusan Sastra Prancis
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasanuddin
Address: Departemen Sastra Prancis Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Tamalanrea Makassar Sulawesi Selatan 90245
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