Climate change, coral bleaching, temperature rise, abundance of zooxanthellaeAbstract
Climate change and global warming cause massive damage to the environment. One of the major events that are
threatening the marine ecosystem is coral bleaching. Coral bleaching occurs when corals are exposed to above or below
normal temperatures. The aims of this study are to compare the resistance of Isopora palifera and Acropora hyacinthus
from Karanrang Island to temperature stress. Four treatment temperatures (28ºC, 30ºC, 32ºC, and 34ºC) were tested to
assess the role of temperature stress and bleaching to Isopora palifera and Acropora hyacinthus for 48-hours. The
abundance of zooxanthellae counted as the temperature stress variable. The results showed that there was a difference of
coral response tothe treatment based on the time of experiment, after 48-hours experimentexposed at temperature
treatment of 34°C the abundance of zooxanthellae from Isopora paliferawas 0,06 x105 cm-2 and the abundance of
zooxanthellae from Acropora hyacinthus is 0,18 x105cm-2. In comparison between species, Isoporapalifera taken from
Karanrang Island was more resistant to temperature stress thanAcroporahyacinthus.
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