chlorophyll, Landsat-8, southeast monsoon, Makassar StraitAbstract
Surface chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) distribution have been analyzed with seasonal variation during southeast monsoon in southern part of Makassar Strait and Flores Sea. Satellite data of Landsat-8 is applied to this study to formulate the distribution of chlorophyll concentration during monsoonal wind period. The distribution of chlorophyll concentration was normally peaked condition in August during southeast monsoon. Satellite data showed that a slowdown in the rise of the distribution of chlorophyll in September with a lower concentration than normal is likely due to a weakening the strength of southeast trade winds during June – July – August 2016. Further analysis shows that the southern part of the Makassar strait is likely occurrence of upwelling characterized by increase in surface chlorophyll concentrations were identified as the potential area of fishing ground.
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