Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Amir Hamzah Muhiddin Open Journal Systems The&nbsp;<strong>Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE&nbsp;</strong>is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality articles dedicated to all aspects of Marine Science. The Journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published (or submitted simultaneously), at any language, elsewhere. Contributions are in English. The journal published by Study Program of Marine Science, University Hasanuddin with E-ISSN: <a href=";1514964044&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank">2614-5049</a>, P-ISSN: 2<a href=";1431506285&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank">460-0156</a>. DIFFERENCES IN SPECIES, COVERAGE AND DENSITY OF SEAGRASS IN THE INTERTIDAL AND SUBTIDAL AREAS AT LABAKKANG BEACH, PANGKAJENE ISLAND REGENCY 2022-02-09T03:36:26+00:00 Indah Sandra Dewi Mahatma Lanuru Yayu A La Nafie Khairul Amri Marzuki Ukkas <p>Labakkang Beach, Pangkajene Islands Regency has the characteristics of gently sloping coastal waters covered with various mangrove and seagrass communities. In general, seagrass is more commonly found in intertidal than subtidal areas, this is due to the depth reason. However, based on first observations, seagrass in Labakkang coastal waters thrives in subtidal areas and is less fertile in intertidal areas. The purpose of this study was to decide the differences in species, cover, and density of seagrass in intertidal and subtidal areas in the waters of Labakkang Beach, Pangkajene Islands Regency. This research was conducted in July 2021 with the method used, namely purposive sampling. Measurements of environmental parameters at the sampling location were carried out directly (in situ) including temperature, salinity, tides, depth, and current velocity, while turbidity, Total Organic Matter (TOM) analysis, and grain size of sediment were carried out tegakanirectly (ex-situ). The results of the average measurements of temperature, salinity, current velocity, depth, turbidity and TOM respectively show the range of 300C - 310C; 33.3‰ – 35.0‰; 0.07 m/s - 0.18 m/s (at high tide); 0.31 m - 1.32 m; 11.06 NTU - 29.04 NTU and 2.49 % - 5.39 %. The results of sediment analysis using <em>Software Gradistat </em>are 2 types of sediment, namely medium sand &amp; fine sand and 2 types of sediment texture, namely Slightly Gravelly Sand and Slightly Gravelly Muddy Sand. The average percentage of seagrass cover at the intertidal station was 23.33 % while at the subtidal station it was 61.11% and only 2 species of seagrass were found, namely <em>Enhalus acoroides</em> and <em>Halophila</em> <em>ovalis</em>. The average density of seagrass at the intertidal station is 48.88 ind/m<sup>2</sup> while at the subtidal station it is 86 ind/m<sup>2</sup>. The results of the Independent T-test analysis showed that there were significant differences in the cover and density of seagrass in the intertidal zone and subtidal zone in the coastal waters of Labakkang.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF PHYTOPLANKTON AS BIOINDICATORS OF ORGANIC MATTER POLLUTION LEVELS IN THE ESTUARY OF KENDARI BAY WATERS 2023-06-21T14:37:26+00:00 Muhammad Dwi Fauzan Ali Said Ma’ruf Kasim Salwiyah Salwiyah <p class="Spermonde-abstrak-isi"><span lang="IN">The study aims to find out the structure of the phytoplankton community including abundance, dominance and to know the pollution of organic material in the Gulf of Kendari river stream using the sapropic index based on the phytoplankton as its indicator. The study was conducted from August to September 2022. The determination of the sampling station is carried out purposively by the sampler or sampler that has been planned by the researcher taking into account various considerations of conditions in the research area that may represent the conditions of the waters. The sampling technique was vertically carried out by tapping 150 L of seawater and then filtered using net plankton as many as 1 repetition at each station, then the sample filtered is inserted into a sample bottle and added preservatives. The samples are preserved using 3% formalin. The abundance calculation results of phytoplankton at each observation station during the study range between 269-2733 ind / l. The result of the calculation of the dominant index of each station during the study ranged from 0.17-0.96. The highest value was obtained at 0.17 and the lowest at 0.96. Measurement results of chemical physics parameters of water obtained temperature range 30-31 <sup>o</sup>C, current rate 0.09-0.37 m/second, TSS 0.3670-1.3395 mg/l, DO 5-6 mg/L, nitrate 0.134-0.163 mg / l, phosphate 0.60-0.285 mg /L. </span></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 BIOECOLOGY OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS ON KARAMASSANG ISLAND POLEWALI MANDAR 2024-04-24T02:42:37+00:00 Muh Isman Chair Rani Abdul Haris Ahmad Faizal <p>Anthropogenic activities that are often carried out by humans can affect the survival of mangrove, seagrass and coral reef ecosystems in an area. This research aims to determine the species, distribution and condition of the ecosystem on Karamassang Polewali Mandar Island. This research was carried out from April to December 2020 on Karamassang Island in Binuang District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi. Mangrove sampling uses a plot measuring 10 m x 10 m with four observation stations with three repetitions of each station with a repetition distance of 5 m. Data collection on seagrass beds with estimates of seagrass cover was carried out by stretching a line transect along 100 m and placing 0.5 x 0.5 m2 quadrants with grids at 20 meters intervals. This transect was carried out at a location that has a seagrass ecosystem and coral reef ecosystem data was collected using the RRA (Rapid Reef Assessment) method. The results of research on the types of mangroves obtained on Karamassang Island were <em>Rhizophora mucronata</em>, <em>Avicennia alba</em>, and <em>Sonneratia alba</em>. In general, the density of mangroves is very dense. In general, seagrass cover is in the good category. In general, the condition of live coral cover is in poor condition.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF PHYSICO–CHEMICAL PARAMETERS ON PHYTOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE IN THE WATERS OF LABAKKANG DISTRICT, PANGKEP REGENCY 2023-09-13T05:44:14+00:00 Andi Niartiningsih Nur Afifa Nawing Wasir Samad Inayah Yasir Rahmadi Tambaru <p>Pangkep Regency is dominated by pond areas, one of which is located in Labakkang District. These aquaculture activities affect physico-chemical parameters in the waters. This study was aimed to analyze the influence and relationship of physico-chemical parameters on phytoplankton abundance in the waters of Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency. Data were collected using purposive sampling method in several locations, namely waters around river mouths, waters around mangroves, pond discharge waters and waters around docks. The physico-chemical parameters observed include temperature, salinity, nitrate, phosphate, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), carbon dioxide and current velocity. The results showed that the highest phytoplankton abundance was found in the waters around the river mouth with a value of 741 cells/L, while the lowest abundance was found in the pond discharge waters with a value of 154 cells/L. At the station, the highest values were obtained in the temperature parameter of 32,67ºC, nitrate of 0,03 mg/L, phosphate of 0,08 mg/L, TSS of 25,26 mg/L and current speed of 0,25 m/s. The high abundance of phytoplankton is inversely proportional to the salinity level in the water, which is 29%ₒ. The results of the analysis using the one-way ANOVA statistical test showed significant differences in phytoplankton abundance as well as temperature, salinity and TSS parameters between sampling stations. Then multiple regression analysis showed that the most influential parameters on phytoplankton abundance were temperature, nitrate, and TSS with a coefficient of determination of 92,8%. The results of this study can serve as a basis for more effective water management and better environmental monitoring in the context of aquaculture activities in the region.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ABUNDANCE AND DIVERSITY OF BIRD SPECIES AND THEIR CONSERVATION STATUS IN THE COASTAL AREA AND MARANA RIVER ESTUARY, MAROS REGENCY 2022-02-09T05:19:11+00:00 Nur Ulfah Baharuddin Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin Dody Priosombodo Andi Niartiningsih <p class="Spermonde-abstrak-isi"><span lang="IN">Marana river estuary and its surrounding coastal area have been converted into extensive fishpond. This muddy environment with abundant fish in shallow waters, mangroves and <em>Nypa</em> palm attracts various species of birds to forage for food. This area also visited by migratory birds. However, avifauna in this area still poorly studied. Based on this, research on abundance, diversity of bird species and its conservation status was conducted. The aim of this study was to determine the abundance, ecological index and conservation status/protection status of bird species in coastal and estuary of Marana River, Maros Regency. Totally, six stations were set up in three different habitat types. Two stations were placed in the mangrove area around the mouth of the river, two stations in the pond area next to the river and two stations in the middle of the river that entered further inland. Data was collected using the point count method, with 3 replicates of different observation points set up randomly at each station. Each point has a circular observation area with a radius of 50m. The distance between observation points is 300m with a bird watching time of 20 minutes at each observation point. Bird species outside the observation area were also recorded but not counted. From the observations, a total of 22 bird species from 14 families were recorded from all stations. Most of the bird species dominated by waterbirds and open country specialized birds i.e: Whiskered Tern (Dara-laut Kumis), Glossy Swiftlet (Walet Sapi) and Little Egret (Kuntul Kecil). From ecological index analysis, bird community in all stations is categorized as stable, with moderate diversity, low dominance and high eveness index except for station 2 which is mostly dominated by Whiskered Tern. All bird species conservation status is categorized as Least Concern (LC) by IUCN. Little Egret (<em>Kuntul Kecil</em>), Cattle Egret (<em>Kuntul Kerbau</em>) and Great Egret (<em>Kuntul Besar</em>) are included in appendix III CITES. Furthermore, four shorebird species: Far Eastern Curlew (Gajahan Timur), Eurasian Whimbrel (<em>Gajahan Pengala</em>), Whiskered Tern (<em>Dara-laut Kumis</em>) and White-winged Tern (<em>Dara-laut Sayap Putih</em>) are protected by the Indonesian Government. It is concluded that bird communities in study sites are stable and Marana estuary can still support bird life, especially for migratory and protected bird species.</span></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF BENTHIC DIATOM POPULATIONS IN BUNGKUTOKO WATERS IN RELATION TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONTAINER PORT 2023-06-21T11:58:45+00:00 Riska Udin S Ma’ruf Kasim Salwiyah Salwiyah <p class="Spermonde-abstrak-isi"><span lang="IN">Diatoms are a unique and specific group of microscopic algae, the body is composed of two valves, namely epitheca and hypotheca to form frustules, with cell walls made of silica (SiO3). Benthic diatom populations are highly variable and are common in waters. Bungkutoko Island is an island located at the eastern end of Kendari Bay. The rapid development and reclamation activities in the Bungkutoko coastal area, especially the construction of the port will affect the structure and topography of the environment. This study aims to determine the population of benthic diatoms in Bungkutoko waters in relation to the construction of a container port. The research was conducted at six observation stations using the purposive sampling method in August-September 2023. The results of this study found 13 genera of benthic diatoms, with abundance values ​​ranging from 342-492 ind/cm2. The diversity index value ranged from 1.82-2.00, the uniformity index value ranged from 0.82-0.91 and the dominance index value range from 0.15-0.20. Principal component analysis showed a correlation between the abundance of benthic diatoms and water quality parameters in the Bungkutoko waters.</span></p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024