Health Education On TKBM Knowledge and Attitude About Hiv And Aids In The Gorontalo Port


  • Muammar Muammar Departement of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University


AbstrakHIV and AIDS cases continue to increase every year and potentially increase in one of the key populations of loading and unloading workers in the port environment so that health and education methods that focus on promotion and prevention are needed to increase knowledge and attitudes. This study aims to determine the effect of health education methods on TKBM knowledge and attitudes about HIV and AIDS in Gorontalo Port. This study used a quasi-experiment with a randomized pre-test post-test design. The sample was taken by simple random sampling as many as 40 respondents divided by 20 respondents for socialization and brainstorming interventions. Data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Data is not normally distributed so it uses the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests. The results showed that the characteristics of the respondents were in the most age group were 36-45 years with 55.5% with 92.5% male gender, married 95%, elementary school education 75% and average monthly income under 2 million Rupiah as much as 95%. The increase in the average score of knowledge (29.0 to 41.45) and attitudes (30.10 to 43.30) about HIV and AIDS before and after intervention in the socialization group, while knowledge (28.50 to 43.05) and attitudes (30.70 to 43.80) in the brainstorming intervention group. There were differences before and after the intervention method of socialization and brainstorming on Knowledge (p = 0,000) and Attitudes (p = 0,000) TKBM about HIV-AIDS, but there was no difference in the average score between the two groups with the p-value (p> 0, 05). The method of socialization and brainstorming is an option in increasing knowledge and attitude as a primary prevention effort, so it is recommended to become a program.Keywords: Socialization, Brainstorming, Knowledge, Attitudes, HIV and AIDS


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