
  • Hans Agung Pasak
  • Esther Sanda Manapa
  • Marzuki Ukkas


In 2011, the government of West Sulawesi has planned on sea conservation area covering the islands in Mandar Bay of Polewali

Mandar Regency. One of the islands that has been declared as sea conservation area is the Pasir Putih Island. In order to

develop maritime echotourism in the Pasir Putih Island than a research has been carry out starting in July to December 2015.

The purposes of this research are: (1) to evaluate the suitability of coral and the species association for diving activity, (2) to

evaluate suitability of the area for snorkeling, (3) to estimate the carrying capacity of the area for echotourism activity. The

result of this research indicates that the coral area for the diving activity in Pasir Putih Island is categorized as on conditional

of appropriate. The carrying capacity of the area was estimated to 45 person per day for diving activity, while for snorkeling

tour the area is quite appropriate for 90 person per day. To support marine ecotourism development, the following strategies are

needed: (1). Establishing cooperation with local government in maintaining the local wisdom. (2) Estabilishing core zone as

Regional Marine Conservation Area (KKLD), (3). Publishing guidebooks for the ecotourism.

Keywords: Marine ecotourism, Pulau Pasir Putih, Polewali Mandar, suitability for diving, suitability for snorkeling, carrying


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