Konsentrasi Paraquat dalam Urin Pekerja Akibat Paparan Paraquat di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
Paraquat is an active ingredient of herbicide, it is very toxic mainly in humans and can enter the body
through ingestion, inhalation and skin. This study aimed to analyze paraquat exposure to paraquat concentrations
in the urine of workers on palm oil plantations. This study used a cross sectional design, with a sample of 60
workers and randomly selected, urine was collected on the last day of paraquat spraying. Paraquat in urine was
tested in a laboratory using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using the EPA 549.2 methods.
Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using Mann Whitney test.The average of paraquat concentration
in urine of men workers was 6.35 mg / L and women 6.55 mg / L, with a range between <0.25 - 35.75 mg / L. The
results of Mann Whitney test showed that the difference of paraquat concentration in urine of workers was influenced
by several variables, namely length of work (p=0.026), spraying method (p=0.048), eating / drinking during
application (p=0.040), completeness of using personal protection equipment (p=0.03) and decontamination after
spraying (p=0.026).This study provided evidence of paraquat presence in urine workers’. Therefore it is necessary
to urine examination periodically.
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