Research Labolatory Support

Research Labolatory Support (RLS) is a program designed to assist zonalaut authors who want to conduct research in the field of maritime science and technology. The program offers various facilities and services, such as access to advanced equipment, technical assistance, academic guidance, and publication support. The purpose of this program is to improve the quality and quantity of zonalaut journal research in Indonesia, as well as to promote cooperation between writers and related institutions. The program is open to all zonalaut auhors who have interest and competence in the field of ocean science, both from within and outside the country. The program also provides opportunities for writers to interact with experts and practitioners in the field of ocean science, as well as to share their experiences and findings with the wider community. The RLS program is one of the efforts to support the development of ocean science and technology in Indonesia, as well as to contribute to the welfare and sustainability of ocean resources. If you are interested in joining this program, please visit our contact for more information.

Flume wave maker is a very useful laboratory facility for zonalaut researchers. By using flume wave maker, researchers can generate artificial waves that match the desired sea conditions. Flume wave maker can accurately control the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the waves. This allows researchers to test various aspects related to the ocean scope, such as hydrodynamics, sedimentation, erosion, morphology, and ecology. Flume wave maker can also be used to simulate the impact of climate change on the ocean, such as sea level rise, increased storm intensity, and changes in sea currents. Flume wave maker is an important laboratory facility to improve our understanding of the ocean and how to protect it.

4. Studying the ecology and biology of marine organisms that live in the intertidal zone or the zone between high and low tide.

5. Studying the impact of climate change on the marine zone, such as: Sea level rise that can cause flooding, saltwater intrusion, infrastructure damage, and population displacement. Increased storm intensity that can cause large waves, strong winds, heavy rain, and landslides. Changes in ocean currents that can affect water circulation, mass and heat transport, nutrient and oxygen distribution, and marine biodiversity.

Flume wave maker can be used for various research purposes of the zonalaut journal such as:

1. Studying hydrodynamic phenomena, such as friction force, lift force, thrust force, drag force, and resistance force.

2. Studying sedimentation and erosion processes at the seabed or coast.

3. Studying morphology and evolution of sea or coast surface shapes.

Wave maker for basin is a laboratory facility designed to generate artificial waves in a large pool. This facility aims to facilitate zonalaut researchers in conducting research on the dynamics, interactions, and impacts of sea waves on structures, soils, and underwater environments. By using wave maker for basin, researchers can test various wave scenarios by adjusting the frequency, amplitude, and direction of the waves generated. This facility can also be used to test offshore structure prototypes, such as bridges, ports, or sea wind turbines. Wave maker for basin can produce artificial waves with characteristics that match natural or extreme conditions. This allows researchers to study sea wave phenomena that are rare or difficult to observe in the field. Wave maker for basin can test offshore structure prototypes with a smaller scale than their original size. This can save costs and time of research compared to testing offshore structures with original size at sea. Wave maker for basin can provide accurate and complete measurement data. This is because wave maker for basin is equipped with advanced and sensitive sensors and measurement instruments. In addition, wave maker for basin can also eliminate interference from other environmental factors, such as wind, currents, or tides.

Research on the utilization of sea wave energy as an alternative and environmentally friendly energy source. This research can help develop technologies that can convert sea wave energy into electrical or thermal energy.

Research on the extreme sea wave phenomena, such as tsunamis, rogue waves, or solitary waves. This research can help understand the mechanism of formation, propagation, and impact of extreme sea waves on the underwater and coastal environment.

Wave maker for basin can be used for various research purposes such as:

Research on the effect of sea waves on the stability and strength of offshore structures, such as bridges, ports, or offshore wind turbines. This research can help design and optimize safe and efficient offshore structures.

Research on the impact of climate change on sea waves and sea level rise. This research can help anticipate and reduce the risk of disasters, damages, and losses due to climate change on the coastal environment and society.