The Phenomenon of The Perception of Over-Concern of Final Year Students Against Linkedin Users in Career Competition
A system of the world of work that does not emphasize academic level only, but the role of expertise desired by the company in contributing to internal development, must be carried out for every employee. The criteria for prospective workers demanded by the world of work today are felt to be increasing. The world of work does not only prioritize high academic abilities (hard skills), but also pays attention to the values attached to a person known as the soft skill aspect. The purpose of this research is to find out the types of anxiety factors that are the basis for anxiety for the younger generation, especially students at the end of the eighth semester. This is based on the respondent's feeling of being left behind, towards the achievements of others, giving rise to excessive anxiety. A person's level of achievement on social media, especially LinkedIn, turns out to cause anxiety, and concern about his level of opportunity, whether he will be accepted or can follow his colleagues to reach the same position. The results of this study are expected to be a form of evaluation of how a student can exercise self-control over all aspects of concern, especially the feeling of being left behind in achievement.