About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi (JMSK) integrates the papers on current mathematical advances from outstanding Indonesian (title and abstract in English) or English-language publications.
It is an open access journal that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the mathematics, statistics, mathematics computation and mathematics education processes.
Since 2020, the journal is published in one volume per year for three issues in January, May and September along with the Online version.
Peer Review Process
The submitted papers are subject to a peer review process. The purpose of peer review is to assists the Еditor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author it may also assist the author in improving the paper.
A manuscript goes through the peer review process - Double-blind peer-review. Double-blind peer review mean that reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There have to be at least two reviewers. The typical period of time allowed for reviews: 4 weeks. Note: Can be modified during the editorial process.
The choice of reviewers is at the editors' discretion. The reviewers must be knowledgeable about the subject area of the manuscript; they must not be from the authors' own institution and they should not have recent joint publications with any of the authors.
Reviewers must not have conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the funding sources for the research.Title of manuscript:
After reviewing the article, please mark (√) in the appropriate block as follows:
Items of response
The title is appropriate
The abstract is clear and effective
The aims are clear
The literature review adequate
The methodology or deductive process are consistent with the practice
The conclusions and generalizations are clear
The novelty of the article is clear
The references adequate and use articles of the international journal in the latest 5 years
EVALUATION: please mark (√) in the appropriate block
Name and signature of Reviewer,
Publication Frequency
The Journal appears three issues each year on January, May and September
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi (JMSK) has a goal to increase visibility and make easier use of open access scientific papers. Readers and their institutions are supported for online access without asking for any royalty, personnel information, or log in process. According to open access policy of our journal, all readers are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, link and search our articles with no charge.
Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi (JMSK) is an open access journal. The term open access gives the right of readers to read, download, distribute, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles free of charge.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Author Ethics
- The author is responsible that the manuscript submitted to this journal for publication should be original contribution, free of plagiarism and must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication.
- The manuscript submitted to this journal for publication must not have been previously published in other journals / proceedings/ media publications or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication.
- The author must avoid conflicts of interest with other parties to the manuscript to be published.
- Authors must comply with the format of the writing rules as in the writing guide and the manuscript template provided.
- The author must immediately correct the errors/ errors that occur in the quotation/ composition of the writer/ definition/ theorem/ evidence and others during the review or editing stage.
- The author must notify that the manuscript to be submitted is a research article or review article.
- Authors must express their gratitude to other parties or financial support (if any) from other parties who have assisted in the research and writing process in the acknowledgments subsection.
- The author can withdraw the manuscript that has been submitted but has not been published through an application to the editor.
- Plagiarism takes many forms, from ‘passing off’ another’s paper as the author’s own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another’s paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Editor Ethics
The editor is in charge and has the authority to review the manuscript and layout process honestly, objectively and unbiased. All editors' decisions are made through an editorial board meeting based on input of the appointed reviewers.
- Writing guidelines and manuscript templates must be electronically accessible.
- Distribution of manuscripts to reviewers according to the expertise of the designated reviewer.
- The editor must keep the received or rejected manuscript, and the documents for the reason for receiving/ rejecting the manuscript.
- Publishing journals may not be too late from the specified publishing calendar.
- Editors must guard against conflicts of interest in publishing journals and maintain the privacy of the author.
- Publishing journals must be open access so that articles can be downloaded by anyone.
- The editor must send the manuscript to the reviewer no later than 45 days before the date of issue.
- The editor must notify the author that the manuscript has been submitted; the manuscript must be revised, accepted or rejected.
- The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Plagiarism takes many forms, from ‘passing off’ another’s paper as the author’s own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another’s paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Reviewer Ethics
- Reviewers must review the manuscript in accordance with their field of expertise, objectively and free from conflicts of interest regarding the publication of the journal.
- Reviewers must be able to ensure that the manuscript to be published has good quality.
- Reviewers must comply with the length of time to review, namely a maximum of 30 days and immediately send to the editor
- In carrying out the review process, reviewers refer to the review guidelines set by the editor.
- Reviewers must provide reasons for receiving / revising manuscripts / rejection of the manuscript to the editor
Journal Manager Ethics
The journal manager is the editorial board assisted by editors and the layout section.
The manager's job is to run the journal publishing process, process indexing submissions,
and submit accreditation and maintenance of journal websites. In addition, journal managers are always required to have high integrity in carrying out their duties.
Review Guidelines
The Review Guidelines will provide reviewers with criteria for judging a submission's suitability for publication in the journal, and can include any special instructions for preparing an effective and helpful review. In conducting the review, reviewers are presented with with two open text boxes, the first "for author and editor," and the second "for editor." Alternatively, the Journal Manager can create a peer review form under REVIEW FORMS. In all cases, editors will have the option of including the reviews in corresponding with the author.
Review Manuscript Form
Title of manuscript:
After reviewing the article, please mark (√) in the appropriate block as follows:
No. |
Items of response |
Yes |
Partially |
No |
1 |
The title is appropriate |
2 |
The abstract is clear and effective |
3 |
The aims are clear |
4 |
The literature review adequate |
5 |
The methodology or deductive process are consistent with the practice |
6 |
The conclusions and generalizations are clear |
7 |
The novelty of the article is clear
8 |
The references adequate and use articles of the international journal in the latest 5 years |
EVALUATION: please mark (√) in the appropriate block
Name and signature of Reviewer,
Plagiarism Policy
Authors must certify that their manuscripts are their original work. Plagiarism, Duplicate, Data Fabrication and Falsification, and Redundant Publications are forbidden. Each manuscript will be similarity checked by Turnitin, if index similarity total more than 25%, the manuscript will be rejected.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Transparency and objectivity in research are essential for Jurnal Matematika, statistika dan Komputasi (JMSK). Manuscript submissions are assigned to reviewers in an effort to minimize potential conflicts of interest. The following relationships between reviewers and authors are considered conflicts and are avoided: recent colleagues, recent co-authors, and doctoral students for which editor served as their committee chair.
Publication Fee
No submission and publication fee
Journal History
JMSK was first published in 2005. In one volume consist of two issues to publish mathematics, statistics and computer science, mathematics education articles. In 2017, we begin to manage JMSK in online version and open-acces with Open-acces Journal(OJS).