Bicluster CC Algoritm Analysis to Identify Patterns of Food Insecurity in Indonesia


  • Raditya Novidianto Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • Rini Irfani Institut Pertanian Bogor



Biclustering, CC, Algoritm, Food Insecurity


Indonesia is known as an agricultural country. This means that most of the population work in the agricultural sector related to food. However, food insecurity still occurs in Indonesia. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that there was a threat of food scarcity which had an impact on food insecurity conditions. This would undermine the second goal of the SDGs, which is to end hunger and create sustainable agriculture. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial pattern of food insecurity in each province in Indonesia using the bicluster method. The data used are data from Susenas and Sakernas by BPS in 2019. Several studies show that the bicluster method with the CC algorithm shows that each province group has a different characteristic pattern. In the bicluster approach, the researcher runs parameter tuning to select the best parameter based on the Mean Square Residual in Volume (MSR / V). The CC algorithm tries to get a bicluster with a low MSR value, therefore the best parameter is the one that produces the smallest MSR / V value, in this study the smallest MSR / V is 0,01737 with δ = 0,01. The application of the CC biclustering algorithm to the food insecurity structure in Indonesia results in 5 bicluster. Bicluster 1 consists of 15 provinces with 8 variables, Bicluster 2 consists of 10 provinces with 5 variables, Bicluster 3 consists of 3 provinces with 7 variables, Bicluster 4 consists of 4 provinces with 4 variables and Bicluster 5 consists of 2 provinces with 5 variables. Biculster 4 represents a cluster of food insecurity areas with the characteristics of the bicluster P0, P1, P2 and calorie consumption of less than 1400 KKAL.


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How to Cite

Novidianto, R., & Irfani, R. (2020). Bicluster CC Algoritm Analysis to Identify Patterns of Food Insecurity in Indonesia. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 17(2), 325–338.



Research Articles