Outlier Detection Using Minimum Vector Variance Algorithm with Depth Function and Mahalanobis Distance
Bahasa Indonesia
Depth, Mahalanobis, MVV, PencilanAbstract
Outliers are observations where the point of observation deviates from the data pattern. The existence of outliers in the data can cause irregularities in the results of data analysis. One solution to this problem is to detect outliers using a statistical approach. The statistical approach method used in this study is the Minimum Vector Variance (MVV) algorithm which has robust characteristics for outliers. The purpose of this research is to detect outliers using the MVV algorithm by changing the data sorting criteria using the Robust Depth Mahalanobis to produce maximum detection. The results obtained from this study are that RDMMVV is superior to the observed value in showing the outliers and the location of the outliers in the data plot compared to DMMVV and MMVV.
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