Fixed Point Theorem on Contractive Mapping in Standard 2-Normed Spaces


  • Salsabila Ammari Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Muh Nur
  • Naimah Aris



mathematic, functional analysis, fixed point theorem, 2-normed spaces


This paper discussed about the proof of the fixed point theorem on the standard 2-normed spaces by using completeness. The completeness of the standard 2-normed spaces is shown by defining a new norm. Two linear independent vectors on standard 2-normed spaces are used to define the new norm, namely  which has been shown to be equivalent to standard norm.


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How to Cite

Ammari, S., Nur, M., & Aris, N. (2021). Fixed Point Theorem on Contractive Mapping in Standard 2-Normed Spaces. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 18(1), 93–101.



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