Some Types of Irregular Labeling of Diamond Networks on Ten Vertices


  • Nurdin Hinding <p>Department of Mathematics</p><p>Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences</p><p>Hasanuddin University</p>
  • Ali Ahmad College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Jazan University
  • Jusmawati Jusmawati HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY



Diamond graph, irregular labeling, network


There are three interesting parameters in irregular networks based on total labelling, i.e. the total vertex irregularity strength, the total edge irregularity strength, and the total irregularity strength of a graph. Besides that, there is a parameter based on edge labelling, i.e., the irregular labelling. In this paper, we determined the four parameters for diamond graph on eight vertices.


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How to Cite

Hinding, N., Ahmad, A. ., & Jusmawati, J. (2022). Some Types of Irregular Labeling of Diamond Networks on Ten Vertices. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 18(2), 174–180.



Research Articles