Comparison of M Estimation, S Estimation, with MM Estimation to Get the Best Estimation of Robust Regression in Criminal Cases in Indonesia
Perbandingan Estimasi M, Estimasi S, dengan Estimasi MM
Regression analysis, Robust regression, M Estimation, S Estimation, MM Estimation.Abstract
Crime incidents that occurred in Indonesia in 2019 based on Survey Based Data on criminal data sourced from the National Socio-Economic Survey and Village Potential Data Collection produced by the Central Statistics Agency recorded 269,324 cases. The high crime rate is caused by several factors, including poverty and population density. Determination of the most influential factors in criminal acts in Indonesia can be done with Regression Analysis. One method of Regression Analysis that is very commonly used is the Least Square Method. However, Regression Analysis can be used if the assumption test is met. If outliers are found, then the assumption test is not completed. The outlier problem can be overcome by using a robust estimation method. This study aims to determine the best estimation method between Maximum Likelihood Type (M) estimation, Scale (S) estimation, and Method of Moment (MM) estimation on Robust Regression. The best estimate of Robust Regression is the smallest Residual Standard Error (RSE) value and the largest Adjusted R-square. The analysis of case studies of criminal acts in Indonesia in 2019 showed that the best estimate was the S estimate with an RSE value of 4226 and an Adjusted R-square of 0.98
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