New Mathematical Properties For Rayleigh distribution


  • Rehab Mahmoud Cairo University
  • Salah M. Mohamed Cairo University



Harmonic Mean, Moment Generating Function, Characteristic Function, Quantile function, Raw Moments, Moments of Residual life (MRL)


Regression analysis is one of the most commonly statistical techniques used for analyzing data in different fields. And used to fit the relation between the dependent variable and the independent variables require strong assumption to be met in the model. Generalized linear models (GLMs) allow the extension of linear modeling ideas to a wider class of response types, such as count data or binary responses. Many statistical methods exist for such data types, but the advantage of the GLM approach is that it unites a seemingly disparate collection of response types under a common modeling methodology. So, the problem of the current research is to try to provide a new mathematical property for Exponentiated Rayleigh distribution, and it was one of the most important properties that was studied is to determine Harmonic Mean, as well as calculating the Quantile function, Moments of Residual life (MRL), Reversed Residual Life, Mean of Residual life. The study also presented the probability density function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function according to linear representations.



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How to Cite

Mahmoud, R., & Mohamed, S. M. . (2022). New Mathematical Properties For Rayleigh distribution. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 19(1), 223–234.



Research Articles