Determinant and inverse of T-Sequence-Sylvester-Kac Matrix


  • Jeki Saputra Hasanuddin University
  • Amir Kamal Amir
  • Andi Muhammad Anwar



Determinan Matriks, Inverse Matrix, Sylvester-Kac matrix


The Sylvester-Kac matrix is also known as the Clement matrix The Sylvester-Kac matrix is widely used and applied both in processing, graphs and other fields. The Sylvester-Kac matrix developed in the paper is the T-Sequence-Sylvester-Kac matrix The calculation of the determinant, and inverse has always been a challenge for mathematicians to find. In this paper will be given the formulation of determinant, and inverse of the T-Sequence-Sylvester-Kac matrix


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How to Cite

Saputra, J., Amir, A. K. . ., & Anwar, A. M. . (2023). Determinant and inverse of T-Sequence-Sylvester-Kac Matrix. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 19(2), 391–399.



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