Forecasting The Search Trends of The Keyword “Sarung Wadimor” In Indonesia on Google Trends Data Using Time Series Regression with Calender Variation and Arima Box-Jenkins
ARIMA, Google Trends, Time Series Regression, WadimorAbstract
The impact of this 4.0 era is that data is growing and can be collected very easily and then reprocessed to obtain information. One of the search engines for various data and information that is often used is Google, causing a high search intensity and will further impact on increasing the amount of data generated by search engines. Google Trends is one of the official websites from Google that reflects or takes pictures of events in society based on search keywords. The search keyword that will be studied in this article is “Sarung Wadimor”. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to forecast the search trend for the keyword "Sarung Wadimor" which is interesting because the resulting time series data pattern shows a recurring pattern due to the effect of calendar variations which are thought to be related to the month of Ramadan. Forecasting modeling uses Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Time Series Regression (TSR). The goodness of the model used in this article is the Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE). Based on the results of the analysis, using three goodness-of-fit measures shows that the TSR model with the Calendar Variation of Ramadan + Month Periods has smaller MSE, RMSE, and SMAPE values than the other models with goodness-of-fit values of 88.602, 9.413, and 26.950, respectively. Forecasting results for the next 6 periods show that the search trend for the keyword "Sarung Wadimor" tends to decrease, this is because the month of Ramadan is still quite far in 2023.
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