Hopf Bifurcation in a Modified Leslie-Gower Two Preys One Predator Model and Holling Type II Functional Response with Harvesting and Time-Delay
Hopf bifurcation, Leslie-Gower, two preys, Holling type II, harvesting, time delayAbstract
In this paper, a modified Leslie-Gower two preys one predator model and Holling type II functional response with harvesting and time-delay were discussed. Model analysis is carried out by determining fixed points, then analyzing the stability of the fixed points and discussing the existence of the Hopf bifurcation. In some conditions that occur in nature indicate the occurrence of hunting of prey and predator species by humans. Therefore, this model is modified by adding the assumption that prey and predators are being harvested. Another modification given to the model is the use of time delays.The delay time term is for taking into account the case that the members of the predator species need time from birth to predation for being active predators. The first case is a model without time delay, it is obtained that 3 fixed points are unstable and 7 fixed points are stable. One of them is the interior fixed point tested with the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The second case is a model with a delay time, the critical delay value is obained. Hopf bifurcation occurs when the delay time value is equal to the critical delay value and also fulfills the transversality condition. Observations on the model simulation are carried out by varying the value of the delay time. When the Hopf bifurcation occurs, the graph on the solution plane shows a constant oscillatory movement. If the value of the delay time given is less than the critical value of the delay, the controlled system solution goes to a balanced state. Then when the delay time value is greater than the critical delay value, the system solution continues to fluctuate causing an unstable system condition.
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