r-Chromatic Number On r-Dynamic Vertex Coloring of Comb Graph


  • Heryati Nur Fatimah Sari Hasanuddin University
  • Budi Nurwahyu
  • Jusmawati Massalesse




r-Dynamic coloring, chromatic number, comb graph, central graph, middle graph


Let  be a graph with vertex set  and edge set . An r-dynamic vertex coloring of a graph  is a assigning colors to the vertices of  such that for every vertex  receives at least  colors in its neighbors. The minimum color used in r-dynamic vertex coloring of graph  is called the r-dynamic chromatic number denoted as . In this research we well determine the coloring pattern and the r-dynamic chromatic number of the comb graph , central graph of comb graph , middle graph of comb graph , line graph of comb graph , sub-division graf of comb graph , and para-line graph of comb graph Let  be a graph with vertex set  and edge set . An r-dynamic vertex coloring of a graph  is a assigning colors to the vertices of  such that for every vertex  receives at least  colors in its neighbors. The minimum color used in r-dynamic vertex coloring of graph  is called the r-dynamic chromatic number denoted as . In this research we well determine the coloring pattern and the r-dynamic chromatic number of the comb graph , central graph of comb graph , middle graph of comb graph , line graph of comb graph , sub-division graf of comb graph , and para-line graph of comb graph 


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How to Cite

Sari, H. N. F., Nurwahyu, B. ., & Massalesse, J. . (2023). r-Chromatic Number On r-Dynamic Vertex Coloring of Comb Graph. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 20(2), 360–370. https://doi.org/10.20956/j.v20i2.32143



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