Escalation of Human Resource Quality in National Health Resilience Through Estimating Multilevel Model Parameters with the Restricted Maximum Likelihood Approach to The 2019 UTBK Average
GCV, Multilevel Model, Restricted Maximum Likelihood, UTBK scoresAbstract
Multilevel modeling or Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) is a statistical approach specifically used to analyze data with a two-level structure. This approach allows an understanding of the contribution of factors at both the individual and group levels to the response variable. One method commonly used in HLM is Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML). REML is a parameter estimation method that is often applied in statistical models, especially linear models that incorporate random components. This allows more efficient parameter assessment compared to conventional estimation methods. In this research, multilevel model parameter estimation analysis was carried out using the limited maximum likelihood approach. The aim is to determine the multilevel linear regression model on the average UTBK score for health cluster study programs in 2019. This involves selecting the optimal node point based on the minimum Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) and identifying the factors that influence it. Predictor variables considered include interest and capacity of study programs at university level (Level-1), as well as the average UNBK and HDI scores at provincial level (Level-2). The findings of this research indicate that the most appropriate multilevel regression model is formed with three nodes with a minimum GCV value at Level-1 of 864.6593 and at Level-2 of 3.1816. At Level-1, the influencing factor is the interest variable and at Level-2 is the average provincial UNBK score in 2019 and the Human Development Index (HDI).
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