Transformasi Fourier Fraksional dari Fungsi Gaussian


  • Asriadi Nasrun
  • Mawardi Bahri
  • Syamsuddin Toaha



Fractional Fourier transform, Fourier transform, Gaussian Function.


The fractional Fourier transform is one of the generalizations of ordinary Fourier transform that depend on a particular angle . In this paper we will derive the fractional Fourier transforms of a function that is well known in the field of analysis, namely Gaussian function.


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How to Cite

SUTRISNA, I., Nasrun, A., Bahri, M., & Toaha, S. (2019). Transformasi Fourier Fraksional dari Fungsi Gaussian. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 16(1), 19–24.



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