Stability Analysis of Mathematical Model on HIV Infection with the Effects of Antiretroviral therapy


  • Lilis Dwi Sapta Aprilyani Hasanuddin University
  • Kasbawati Kasbawati
  • Syamsuddin Toaha



HIV is a retrovirus, a virus which has enzymes and can convert genetic material from RNA to DNA. Antiretroviral therapies are the treatment to make the activity of the virus slow. The purpose of this article is to develop a mathematical model of HIV infection by reviewing antiretroviral therapy, analyze the equilibrium point, and determine the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy. There are two equilibrium points in this HIV infection model, namely infection-free equilibrium and infected equilibrium. Numerical simulations are carried out based on selected parameters showed that infection free equilibrium is reached when the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy is 0,4 for RT inhibitor and 0,3 for Protease Inhibitor. This means that antiretroviral therapy may change infected conditions to infection free conditions.


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How to Cite

Aprilyani, L. D. S., Kasbawati, K., & Toaha, S. (2020). Stability Analysis of Mathematical Model on HIV Infection with the Effects of Antiretroviral therapy. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 17(1), 109–116.



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