Introduction: Protein is the trigger for the occurrence of obesity and changes in albumin levelsin weight gain. Obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges in the 21st century. Objektive:
This study aimed to determine the effects of high-protein complete and uncomplete diet to weight gain
and albumin levels in wistar rats. Methods: The samples used 15 wistas rats which were divided
randomly into 3 groups, each consisting of 5 tails weighing 150-200 g and in healthy condition.
Standard AD 2 feed was given to the control group, intervention feed given to complete protein and
soybean intervention feed protein group was uncomplete. The study was conducted for 6 weeks, 2 weeks
of adaptation and 4 weeks of intervention. The research method used a true experiment with a
randomized control group pretest-posttest desigen. The data collected consisted of weighing the body
and measuring the rat albumin level which was carried out 2 times before the intervention day 0 and
after the intervention of the 28th day. Data analysis used One Way ANOVA statistical test followed by
Post Hoc Tukey and Paired Sample Test was accepted if p <0.05. Results: The results of measurements
of weight gain obtained before the intervention were not significant with p = 0.790 and measurements
after intervention obtained significant results with a value of p = 0.014, as well as examination of
insignificant albumin levels before intervention with p = 0.251 and significant on examination after the
intervention with a value of p = 0.003. Conclusion: It It can be concluded as an intervention after
weight gain and albumin levels.
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