Kajian Reservoir Leptospira di Daerah Sporadis Leptospirosis
Districts in Central Java have been reported as leptospirosis area, one of them is Purworejo. Leptospirosis
has been reported in Purworejo since 2005, but less information and reports on rats species and leptospira
presence in rats and shrews. This study aims to examine reservoir of leptospira and describe infected serovar in
Purworejo.This research was carried out in the Bendosari village Gebang subdistrit, on May until June 2011, and
cross sectional study. Data collected by catching and continued by examination of leptospira with MAT. The result
shown, that total of rats and shrew were recorded for 30. The most rats and shrew prevalence were recorded about
66,67% of Rattus tanezumi species, catched in house was about 66,67% with female was about 60%. The result
of MAT as much 30% rats and shrews infected leptospira with titer >1:40 and infected serovar are L. sarmin, L.
semaranga, L. javanica, L. icterohaemorrhagie, L. Patoc and L. Sejroe. House rats and shrews has potentially
transmited Leptospira in human.
Full text article
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