Analisis Perilaku Persalinan Komunitas Adat Terpencil di Wilayah Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi
The relatively primitive social, economic, cultural and environmental conditions cause RIC to have vulnerable
behavior towards health problems, including childbirth. This study aims to analyze the childbirth behavior in
RIC who is considered to be a high risk of complications. The study design is descriptive qualitative research to
understand holistically social phenomena about childbirth behavior among RIC in the Bukit Duabelas National
Park area at Sarolangun Regency-Jambi. Research informants were selected purposively including Mothers who
had given birth, Husbands, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), Tumenggung, and Midwives. This study found
in general childbirth behavior of RIC was unsafe and had a high risk that could have an impact on maternal and
infant mortality. This is likely influenced by the lack of knowledge, less supportive attitude, low of need perception,
and health services have not been optimal. Living in scattered groups and habits of “melangun” are obstacles for
providing health services. It is recommended to improve the implementation of the P4K program and integrated
health service activities, create a maternity shelter, provide “RIC Care Mobile”, and approach with RIC community
leaders (Tumenggung), and TBAs on the importance of safe delivery to maintain maternal health and safety.
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