Stability Analysis of Tuberculosis Spread Model Co-Infected Diabetes Mellitus with DOTS Strategy
Equilibrium point, Basic Reproduction Number, Tuberculosis, Diabetes Mellitus, Treatment with DOTSAbstract
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Patients with symptoms of TB can be caused by immune disorders such as diabetes mellitus infection. Patients with diabetes mellitus can affect the clinical symptoms of TB patients and are associated with a slow response to TB treatment. This study aims to analyze and determine the stability of the equilibrium point of the TB disease spread model coinfected with DM by considering nine compartments, namely susceptible TB without DM, exposed TB without DM, infected TB without DM, recovered TB without DM, susceptible TB with DM, exposed TB with DM, infected TB with DM, recovered TB with DM, and treatment with DOTS. The research method used is a qualitative method by determining the basic reproduction number obtained with next generation matrix method to analyze the stability of the non-endemic and endemic equilibrium points. The non-endemic and endemic equilibrium points are said to be locally asymptotically stable if , and unstable if .The results obtained from sensitivity analysis show that the spread of disease can be reduced and eliminated if treated with DOTS in the infected compartment.
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