The Utilization of Lactation Rooms by Health Workers in Medan City

Yani Sri Ningsih (1), Chrismis Novalinda Ginting (2), Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution (3), Mangatas Silaen (4), Putranto Manalu (5)
(1) Public Health Office Medan City, Indonesia,
(2) Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia,
(3) Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia,
(4) Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia,
(5) Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia


Exclusive breastfeeding for infants with working mothers still becomes a significant problem. The provision of on-site lactation rooms has not substantially impacted the utilization of lactation rooms. This study analyzes the factors that influence the utilization of breastfeeding rooms by health workers in all public health centers in Medan City. This study is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional design. The study involved 78 health workers who breastfed children under two years old. The determination of the sample used the total sampling technique. The results show knowledge (0.000), attitudes (0.002), practice (0.008), support from health workers (0.000), the availability of lactation rooms (0.000), and formula feeding (0.000) affect the utilization of breastfeeding rooms. The regression test results show that knowledge is the most influential factor in the utilization of the lactation room. Respondents with good knowledge have 9.477 times more opportunities to use the lactation room than respondents with poor knowledge. It can be concluded that the use of lactation rooms is influenced by factors such as knowledge, attitudes, practice, support from health workers, availability of lactation rooms, and formula feeding. It is recommended for local governments to provide adequate and comfortable facilities at each institution's offices to increase the utilization of breastfeeding rooms. The provision of a comfortable lactation room has implications for the mother's willingness to use the lactation room. However, it becomes difficult to realize without the support of colleagues.

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Yani Sri Ningsih
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
Mangatas Silaen
Putranto Manalu (Primary Contact)
Author Biographies

Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Prima Indonesia University

Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University

Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Prima Indonesia University

Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University

Mangatas Silaen, Prima Indonesia University

Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University

Putranto Manalu, Prima Indonesia University

Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University

Ningsih, Y. S., Ginting, C. N. ., Nasution, S. L. R., Silaen, M., & Manalu, P. (2022). The Utilization of Lactation Rooms by Health Workers in Medan City. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 18(1), 33–42.

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