Personal Hygiene Habits dan Kejadian Flour Albus Patologis pada Santriwati PP AL-Munawwir, Yogyakarta
Fluor albus is fluid secretion from the woman’s genitals (vagina) and divided into physiological and pathological.
Fluor albus is not a disease but most indication of gynecological problems. The most common cause of
pathological fluor albus is infection. Personal hygiene habits are an important factor to avoid an infection which
causes fluor albus. This study aims to know the correlation between personal hygiene habits with occurrence of
pathological fluor albus, that used cross sectional method with santri as research population in Pondok Pesantren
Al-Munawwir Komplek Q. The sampling used purposive and random sampling, with sampling size 106 santri, and
used personal hygiene habits and fluor albus questionnaires to collect data. Data analysis used chi-square test
and Coefficient Contingency test. Results of the study showed that 52 % santri had bad personal hygiene habits
and 75,5% santri were indicated pathological fluor albus. Statistical tests showed p=0.000 and C=0,517 which
means there were positive and significant correlation between personal hygiene habits with occurrence of pathological
fluor albus. This is indicating when someone has bad personal hygiene habits, so they are experiencing
pathological fluor albus.
Full text article
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