Efek Olahraga terhadap Kejadian Dismenor Primer pada Siswi Kelas X SMA Negeri 78 Jakarta Barat
The prevalence of dysmenorrhea is mostly experienced by teenagers. Study showed that woman who did
exercise had less proportion to feel dysmenorrhea. For that reason, this research purpose to analyze effect exercise
on primary dysmenorrhea among student grade 10th in SMA Negeri 78 Jakarta Barat, which family historical
menstruation pain, menstruation period, menarche, stress, coffee consumption, smoke exposure, and alcohol
consumption was controlled. To reach that purpose, the research used analysis method with case control study. The
minimum sample size used in this case-control study was calculated based on the hypothesis testing of different
proportions so that we obtained a total sample of cases and controls of 84 female students. Bivariate analysis
showed alcohol consumption and exercise had related to primary dysmenorrhea (p-value < 0.05). After controlled
some variables, multivariate analysis showed exercise had effected to primary dysmenorrhea with p-value 0.043
and OR 1.937 (95% CI: 1.124 – 3.913). The result showed lack of exercise had a chance 1.937 times to feel
primary dysmenorrhea.
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