Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis pada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
Medical personnel as the spearhead of hospital services deeply feel the change in health care system in
National Health Insurance (NHI) era that implements the system of quality control and cost control. The aim
of the research was to explore the employee satisfaction of medical personnel in the era of the National Health
Insurance in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The research was a descriptive qualitative study with a case study
approacch. The informants were medical personnel as functional personnel. To obtain additional information as
comparison, the researcher also interviewed the director, the head of service and nursing unit, the head of financial
sub-unit, and Sisrute officials in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The data were obtained through indepth
interview, observation and documentation. The result of the research indicate the service system in the era of
National Health Insurance is good, but its implementation has not runas it is expected. The cooperation between
BPJS and Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is considered slow and inconsistent and sometimes the problem
solving is not followed up. Medical personnel in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is satisfied with transparency
of medical service division, but the number of Ina CBGs packages are still under the standar and time of payment
of medical service is late.
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