About the journal

BIOMA : Jurnal Biologi Makassar is a scientific journal that publishes the results of original research and studies of biological literature. Focus and scope of bioma in the fields of pure biology and applied biology of agricultural complexes, medical complexes and the environment. This journal is published by the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. . Bioma has been reaccredited  with decisions letter of number : 204/E/KPT/2022 on October 2022 (SINTA 5) for volume 7 issue 1, 2022 to volume 11 issue 2, 2026, by the Ministry of education, culture, research and technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Bioma publishes manuscripts in June and December every year.

ISSN : 2528-7168 (P); 2548-6659(E)

DOI   : 10.20956/bioma

EIC    : Prof.Dr.Ir. Slamet Santosa MSi